Biden Continues Great Outdoors Month Tradition

Image: Alexander, Adobe Stock

President Joe Biden continues the Great Outdoors Month legacy by declaring June 2022 to be Great Outdoors Month. What started as Great Outdoors Week under President Clinton in 1998 has grown into a nationwide celebration, with Great Outdoors Month being officially recognized by Senate in 2019 and additionally proclaimed by many states.

In an announcement from May 31, 2022 Biden celebrated America’s stunning landscapes, reinforced his commitment to the environment (though, occasionally this comes into question) and increasing access to the outdoors for all Americans. He signed off on the declaration with a call to action:

“During Great Outdoors Month, I encourage Americans to take time to experience the natural wonders across our Nation.  As we enjoy the great outdoor landscapes and seascapes, let us each recommit to doing our part in their stewardship, preservation, and sustainable use so they continue to be a source of inspiration for outdoor enthusiasts for generations to come.”

How are you celebrating Great Outdoors Month?


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