The Kilian Jornet Foundation’s Outdoor Friendly Pledge Provides a Road Map for Becoming a More Conscious Outdoor Athlete


Kilian Jornet is one of the most revered outdoor athletes of all time. In 2020, the Kilian Jornet Foundation was created with the mission to preserve mountains and their environment.

“I have been taught since I was a kid about the need to protect the environment, and I have done as much as it was in my hand. Now, I want to take a step further and help projects, organizations and individuals that dedicate themselves to preserving the planet. The planet needs all the help we can give to it” Jornet says in a blog post announcing the launch.

To further their mission, the Kilian Jornet Foundation has created the Outdoor Friendly Pledge, which they note “isn’t about being perfect environmentalists, rather about walking towards a greener sports model.”

The Outdoor Pledge is a series of commitments for athletes, events, brands and federations designed to reduce the environmental impact of our sports. Aside from outlining a list of objectives, the foundation also includes detailed information on how to work toward achieving these goals.

Anyone can take the athlete Outdoor Friendly Pledge and commit to making every effort to achieve the following objectives by 2030:

Goal 1: Reduce the travel to a maximum of 3 CO2e tons/year (measured in metric tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent).

Goal 2: Refuse to participate in activities with high carbon emissions for communication purposes.

Goal 3: Do carbon offset compensation of all travels.

Goal 4: Promote participation in local races and adventures.

Goal 5: Get politically active and advocate to the community.

Goal 6: Do at least one act of environmental or conservation work every year.

Goal 7: Get informed and respect the local and seasonal restrictions where you practice your sport in order to minimize the environmental footprint.

Goal 8: Recycle, reuse, reduce and re-purpose the equipment.

Goal 9: Check the ecological footprint of the equipment you purchase and preferentially buy products that can be reused or recycled into new products.

Goal 10: Adopt a climate friendly lifestyle.

Take the Outdoor Friendly Pledge today.


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