Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Restricts Fishing Due to High Water Temperatures

Current river conditions strain fish populations

Image: Gregory Johnston, Adobe Stock

Starting on July 26, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) instituted full fishing closures and hoot-owl restrictions (when fishing is closed from 2 p.m. to 12 a.m.) on several stretches of several rivers throughout the state due to high water temperatures. Daily maximum water temperatures above 73 degrees Fahrenheit (or 60 degrees Fahrenheit when bull trout are present) are known to place stress on fish populations. Waters at 77 degrees Fahrenheit can be deadly for trout populations.

Montana FWP also urges people fishing during high heat periods to fish in the morning or during the coolest part of the day, consider fishing larger bodies of water such as lakes or reservoirs or in higher altitude rivers, keep fish in the water as much as possible, and let fish recover before releasing them. 

The restrictions will lift when water temperatures decrease.

Anglers can search restrictions by river on the Montana FWP website.


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