Utah Ski Resorts Log Record Snowfall

This season’s snowfall has been great for skiers and Utah residents alike

Image: Barty Stewart, Adobe Stock

Ski resorts throughout northern Utah have had a great year — many have recorded their highest snowfall ever. Let’s see how some of Utah’s best resorts are stacking up so far:

Alta Ski Resort has reported a season total of 749 inches

Brighton Ski Resort logged 765 inches, which they say is their highest snowfall in recorded history.

Snowbird’s snowpack is a sight to behold.

According to the Utah Division of Water Resources, this incredible seasonal snowfall isn’t just good news for powder hounds, the above-average snowfall is also helping to fill the state’s reservoirs. Though, unfortunately one year of amazing snowfall isn’t quite enough to supply a thirsty state. “In order to take full advantage of our plentiful snowpack, we must continue to use our water wisely. One good snow year won’t pull the state out of drought,” says Candice Hasenyager, director of Utah’s Division of Water Resources.


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