New Research Paints Troubling Picture for the Future of Skiing

Climate change models point to significant future snow loss

Image: Adobe Stock

Earlier this month, Researchers from the University of Bayreuth published a report that paints a depressing picture for the future of skiing. The researchers modeled out possible snow outcomes under climate change in seven global ski regions and found a significant loss of snow by the year 2100 in all outcomes.

The report states “13% of all current ski areas are projected to completely lose natural annual snow cover and 1/5 will experience a reduction of more than 50% by 2071–2100 relative to historic baselines.”

The researchers conclude that climate change will impact both the economics of mountain towns that rely on ski tourism and mountain biodiversity. They hypothesize that as temperatures warm, ski tourism will move to higher elevations, which may damage the delicate ecosystems that exist up high.


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