Ultra Clean Marathon Combines Plogging and Racing

Catalonian race celebrates environmental stewardship

Image: Ultra Clean Marathon

On March 18 runners set off in teams to complete the Ultra Clean Marathon, a 60Km or 30Km running and plogging race in Vic, Catalonia. Each team was made up of a minimum of two people and a maximum of six or 12 people (depending on the length of the race) and either ran the race non-stop together or in 10Km relay teams in groups of at least two. Teams were required to raise €300 for the shorter circuit or €600 for the longer circuit which will be donated to the environmental cause of their choice.

Teams were ranked by speed, kilograms of garbage collected and a combination of the two. 12 teams ran the shorter course and 13 teams ran the longer course. Not only did contestants race, pick up trash and raise money for the environment, the race was organized with sustainability in mind. The Ultra Clean Marathon taking measures such as eliminating plastic signaling tape and offering reusable glasses and organic food on course.

The Ultra Clean Marathon is part of a growing trend of outdoor athletes taking action to protect the environment.


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