Your Toilet Paper is Probably Terrible for the Planet
How to find eco-friendly toilet paper
Image: Pecold on Adobe Stock
The toilet paper in your bathroom is probably made from the pulp of trees logged from boreal forests in Canada. The deforestation of these ecosystems not only affects local Indigenous communities and wildlife, it also has grave implications for the planet. The boreal forests, called “one of the lungs of the planet,” by the Boreal Songbird Initiative, stores an estimated 208 billion tons of carbon, which is equal to approximately 26 years of global emissions. In this regard, the health of the boreal forests are imperative for the health of the planet.
Killing forests, ecosystems and the planet just to wipe our tushies is not ideal. Thankfully, there are several sustainable toilet paper options readily available.
Eco-Friendly Options
Before digging into the eco-friendly toilet paper options, take a moment to consider going paperless. This might seem like a revolting idea, but maybe that’s because we are simply conditioned to think we need all of this virgin tree pulp. According to the NRDC’s 2021 “The Issue with Tissue” report, people in the United States are consuming more toilet paper than most of the world.
There are certainly more sustainable options available for your post-potty wipe. To avoid wasting virgin forest pulp when you pee, you can keep a pee cloth at home and wash it. These pee cloths are designed to use on hiking trips, but there are no rules that say you can’t use one at home (a tip former Air Force SERE specialist Jessie Krebs gives in her Master Class on wilderness survival).
Many other cultures use the bidet to rinse their bums after going number two. Tushy has used fun branding to try to bring the bidet back to American culture. They also offer a to-go version, which could be great for camping trips, backcountry ski adventures or longer trail runs.
If you’re not interested in forgoing toilet paper just yet, here are some guidelines on making the most sustainable choice in toilet paper.
The Most Eco-Friendly Toilet Paper
The NRDC creates a report each year entitled “The Issue with Tissue,” in which they do a deep dive into popular toilet paper brands’ pulp sourcing and processing.
Important criteria for a top rating include how much of the paper is made from pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled content, if any virgin fiber is FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified and what kind of bleach they use. If the toilet paper in question is made from bamboo, they reviewed its FSC certification, they type of bleach and whether the bamboo comes from untouched forests. The intricacies of paper pulp sourcing are a lot to wrap your head around on your own. Following the NRDC scorecard recommendations can be a simple way to make a more eco-friendly choice without trying to navigate the ins and outs of each brand’s supply chain.
NRDC’s 2021 Issue with Tissue Scorecard reports on a review of 44 different toilet paper products. Of those reviewed, 11 received a rating of A+ or A. Here are the most eco-friendly toilet paper options according to the NRDC:
Who Gives A Crap 100% Recycled (A+)
365 Everyday Value, 100% recycled
Seventh Generation Unbleached Recycled Bath Tissue
Seventh Generation Extra Soft & Strong
Here is an abbreviated version of that scorecard, which also highlights how your go-to toilet paper brand stacks up.
Image: NRDC
While how you wipe your tushy might seem like a small drop in the bucket when it comes to environmental advocacy, small actions can add up. Buying recycled toilet paper is a relatively easy change that could make a big impact.