Endurance Swimmer Oly Rush Sets World Record, Raises Money for Plastic Free Cayman

image: whitecomberd on Adobe Stock

On May 17, 2022 endurance swimmer Oly Rush, also known as @_projectplanet_ , set a world record by swimming non-stop around Grand Cayman Island.

Rush swam an incredible 65 miles around Grand Cayman Island, a feat that took the swimmer more than 36 hours. Rush took on the “Grand Swim” to raise awareness about plastic pollution and funds for Plastic Free Cayman, an organization with a mission to reduce single-use plastic in the Cayman Islands.

As of this writing, Oly’s Grand Swim raised £15,669 for community events in partnership with Plastic Free Cayman to raise awareness about plastic pollution and to be donated directly to the organization. If you’d like to support the cause, you can still do so through the Grand Swim Go Fund Me page.


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