National Ski Areas Association Announces 2022 Sustainability Award Winners

Image: John, Adobe Stock

On May 14, 2022 The National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) announced their 2022 Golden Eagle Awards for Environmental Excellence winners at their National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.

The awards, which have been distributed annually since 1993, recognize achievements in four categories of sustainability.

Here are the 2022 winners:

Overall Environmental Excellence

Alta Ski Area

The Alta Environmental Center (AEC) in Utah was recognized for “boasting impressive land conservation and restoration programs,” and taking on daunting projects.

NSAA highlighted AEC’s award-winning sustainability initiatives as:

  • They committed to purchasing renewable energy credits (RECs) worth an amount that matches 100 percent of the ski area’s electricity use, resulting in estimated savings of 3,567 metric tons of carbon dioxide (MTCO2) annually.

  • A commitment to directly support renewable alternatives at local, state and national levels.

  • Worked to divert food waste in Little Cottonwood Canyon, engaging community organizations and partnering with Snowbird. A programs that sent food waste to a digester to create biomethane (a renewable natural gas) diverted over 41,000 pounds of food waste from the landfill in one year.

Climate Change Impact Award

Arapahoe Basin

Arapahoe Basin (A-Basin) in Colorado was recognized because “They promote climate action and advocacy at a resort level, and encourage their consumer base, community and political leaders to do the same.”

They note key highlights of of A-Basin’s sustainability programs to be:

  • A dedication to becoming a 100 percent carbon neutral operation by 2025.

  • Electric vehicle chargers in premier parking spots.

  • “Directly contributing to the continued removal of barriers to EV adoption in mountain towns and being vocal about it.”

  • Signed business letters and written Op-eds urging for climate action at state and government levels.

Innovation in Sustainability

Snowbasin Resort, UT

Snowbasin was recognized for increasing education and driving a culture of sustainability across the resort.

NSAA highlighted the following activities that helped them win the award:

  • Hosted games with sustainable prizes to educate guests on environmental practices.

  • A nearly 300 percent increase in participation, which is attributed to promotion and effective content.

  • Offered discounted bus passes, carpool parking lots and engaged on sustainability across their social media channels.

Hero of Sustainability

Bonnie Hickey, Bridger Bowl

Bonnie Hickey is the Director of Sustainability at Bridger Bowl Ski Area. The NSAA announcement says that “she works tirelessly to find new and creative ways to preserve and protect Bridger Bowl and its surrounding natural landscapes.”

Some of her sustainability accomplishments that were recognized by NSAA include:

  • Led initiatives to support regenerative grazing and carbon sequestration through local partnerships in the Northern Great Plains of Montana.

  • Spearheaded an innovative on-site vertical flow water treatment wetlands project.

  • Led the completion of a 50 kWh solar project near their mid-mountain lodge.

  • Tireless advocacy on climate solutions in a conservative state.

  • Mentorship of new NSAA Climate Challengers.

Congratulations to all of the winners. Though resort skiing is not an inherently sustainable operation, it is inspiring to see resorts and staff take actions to be meaningful contributors to climate solutions.


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