Organizations That Connect Athletes to Environmental Work

These organizations are doing the leg work to preserve the lands that outdoor athletes love so much. If you care about protecting the environment, please consider donating to these organizations, signing their petitions, following their lead to vote and communicate with your representatives, and volunteering to support their work.

Runners for Public Lands

A 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to “mobilize runners for environmental stewardship to protect the people and places we love through climate action; sustainability; the protection of public lands and expansion of conservation efforts; and equitable access to nature.”


A 501(c)(3) organization founded by snowboarder Jeremy Jones. POW “helps passionate outdoor people protect the places and lifestyles they love from climate change.”



An international organization founded by revered mountain athlete Killian Jornet that has a mission to preserve the mountains and their environment.

A 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to protecting the world’s oceans, waves and beaches.


Did we miss anyone? Email us your favorite athlete-focused environmental organizations to


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