Yellowstone National Park Experiences Tremendous Flooding, Predicts Substantial Closures

Damage along the Northeast Entrance Road, photo: National Park Service

On July 13, 2022 Yellowstone National Park and surrounding regions experienced tremendous flooding that caused road and bridge failures, mudslides and evacuations. Flooding of this magnitude is unprecedented in the area; footage of damage is harrowing.

The park is currently closed and a reopening date is indefinite, news that curtails travel plans for many recreational visitors. “We will not know timing of the park’s reopening until flood waters subside and we're able to assess the damage throughout the park. It is likely that the northern loop will be closed for a substantial amount of time,” Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Cam Sholly shared in a July 13 press release. You can support Yellowstone National Park by making a donation to the National Park Service.


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